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Interview: Betty, LuAnn & Rocky, FoofQueens, Inc. and GiftGloss on Got Invention Radio


In a perfect world, three friends from three states dreamed of inventing a gift giving product and concept that would express their belief that, “it’s not what you give; it’s how you give it.” The three friends believe there is a place for a fun, fresh, “make-your-life easier” product. After all, the last innovation in gift-wrap, was the introduction of gift bags in 1987.

And so, three years ago, Rocky from Nebraska, LuAnn from Iowa, and Betty, from Virginia began turning their dream into reality. Just a little over 18 months ago, their Company, launched their online presence at foofqueens.com. The centerpiece is a “totally-tubular” product called GiftGlossâ, along with its easy-to-use dispenser. Imagine, sliding most gifts inside of a long sleeve that will conform to its size and shape. Then, with the help of a slide cutter on the dispenser, a perfectly straight edge is cut. No tape or scissors necessary! When finished, the dispenser and GiftGlossâ stores away neatly inside of a drawer. So, if you find yourself tired of unruly rolls of gift-wrap, and maybe even bored with gift bags, at last…something different, something new!

With the help of a convenient kit of GiftGlossâ products, the FoofQueensä are committed to fueling the passion for gift presentation. That passion for gift presentation connects to celebrating gift giving as a way to create one of life’s most memorable experiences.

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