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Interview: Dr. Robert Yonover, Founder & CEO SEE/RESCUE Corp. Author of Hardcore Inventing on Got Invention Radio


Dr. Robert N. Yonover received his Ph.D. in Geochemistry/Volcanology from the University of Hawaii with a Research Fellowship at NASA -Johnson Space Center and laboratory work at MIT. He invented the RescueStreamer® survival technology, LIFE/FLOAT™ Rescue Board, Pocket Floatation Device, Pocket DeSalinator, and the Video Search and Rescue (vSAR) technology.

The rescueStreamer® technology is now in use by all branches of the U.S. military, including all U.S. Navy Submarines`and self-deploying Day/Night versions for US Air Force fighter jets. RescueStreamers® are credited with 4 lives saved to date. Dr. Yonover’s new book is entitled “Hardcore Inventing” and he has appeared on CNN, PBS, and Discovery Channel.

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