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Interview: Jeff Lindsey, Registered US Patent Agent on Got Invention Radio


Jeff Lindsay is a registered U.S. patent agent, an inventor with over 100 U.S. patents, the former Corporate Patent Strategist of Kimberly-Clark Corporation, an innovation and IP consultant, and the lead author of the new John Wiley & Sons book, Conquering Innovation Fatigue: Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success with coauthors C. Perkins and M. Karanjikar. Jeff is currently Director of Solution Development at Innovationedge.

Jeff blogs at InnovationFatigue.com (the blog that supports the book) and SharpIP.com. He’s on Twitter as @jefflindsay.
Jeff has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University and is chair of the Forest Bioproducts Division of AIChE, where he works with industry and academia in advancing knowledge in the engineering issues around bioproducts, including paper technology, biorefineries, and biomass engineering.

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