Matt Nuccio is the co-owner and creative director of Design Edge inc (, a multi award-winning international studio with office’s in New York and Hong Kong. Design Edge is one of the leading toy and game design and inventing firms in the world, designing packaging, product, displays, advertising as well as engineering and manufacturing for hundreds of toy companies both big and small. With over 20 years in the toy design industry, Design Edge is a laboratory for new and creative approaches. From traditional styles to the latest trends, they can help you create and maintain a strong product and line look within a fair project budget.
In 2008 Matt Nuccio was elected co-chairman of the TIA (Toy Industry Association) associate panel representing all designers and inventors in the toy industry. He has also written columns focusing on design, inventing, engineering and manufacturing for Toy and Family Entertainment, ToyBook, Royaltie$ and Licensing Book .