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Interview: President Michael Antino from Merchant Media Direct Response TV Marketer on Got Invention Radio


Merchant Media is a leading direct response television and retail marketer. Merchant Media has created highly successful brands in such diverse categories as housewares, hardware, health & beauty, home & garden , toys, crafts and entertainment. These include several of the top-selling direct response TV products in the history of the industry, such as Smart Spin, Pasta Pro, Bendaroos and Touch N Brush. Merchant Media is also formidable presence at retail with several of the hottest products in the marketplace, including the Swivel Store, Style Snaps, Mister Steamy and the Perfect Pancake. Merchant Media is a complete product development company specializing in the development of products from concept to the consumer.

A proven leader with outstanding results, Merchant Media maintains an industry-wide reputation for integrity and innovation.

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